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Out of the Box International® Membership
What you'll get:
Access to the
program ($97 value)
Exclusive Discounts on all current and future programs including:
Crossroads of Democracy
Citizen Leadership
Special Invitations to members only events, where you can connect with like-minded individuals
Access to wider range of resources, so you can always be informed ($-priceless)
Personal invitations to Guest Speaker events where you can hear from other experts in the field
Access to information & training for citizen engagement at the local level in your immediate community, or in your state/province, or possibly at the national/country level.
And for some of you, it might even mean your engagement is on a global scale
Tools and methods to help you make a difference
All members have access to a private
Community Forum where you will be able to meet others who share similar goals.
Through the Community Forum, you will receive ENCOURAGEMENT and COMMUNITY.
Community Forum
is not on Facebook where ads and privacy issues interfere with the experience of engaging online
Community Forum
is protected under the user agreement which each MEMBER agrees to mutual respect, no advertising, and importantly, no personal attacks
Out of the Box International® and Beth Hill-Skinner, M.A.,M.A. will reserve the right to block any MEMBER who violates the user agreement